How to transfer money from CITI Bank to other Banks

Add Beneficiary and Transfer money from CITY bank to other Banks ( NEFT money from transfer in CITI bank)

1.login to CITI bank with your login and password.
2.Netbanking left side bar you will get option to 'Transfer Funds'
3. Payment and Transfers window, select the 'Í want to transfer fund from ' radio button as my citi bank account and transfer funds to select the radio button 'To other banks in India - NEFT'
Less than 1 lakh transfer can be done through NEFT money transfer option
if its more than 1 lakh select the RTGS option
and Click Next Button

4. In Payee Details screen enter the details your citi bank account where you need to transfer the amount from
2. Select the beneficiary or Payee from the list .

If you are transfer amount to the beneficiary in the first time, then you need to add the Payee/Beneficiary into the beneficiary list.

 5. enter other Bank Name 
6. enter Other Bank Location
7. Enter other Bank Branch
8. Enter other bank Account Type
9. Enter Other bank Account number
10. Enter amount to be transfered
11. You can also enter some valid transaction remarks. and click 'Next'
12. If the transaction is initiated before the cut off time, then a pre-confirmation page display saying 'successfully initiated'
13. Next check is confirm, check the details carefully before you confirm
The date when your account will be debitted will be displayed in confirmation and pre-confirmation page.
If you transaction is initiated after the cut off time , then you will get a message ýour request has been initiated'.
14.once you confirm, your electronic fund transfer in Citi bank to other bank is completed. Please note down your transaction number for reference.