How to Open Demat Account and know intertest and charges of different Banks.
In India, shares and securities are held electronically in a Dematerialized account, instead of the investor taking physical possession of certificates. A Dematerialized account is opened by the investor while registering with an investment broker (or sub-broker). The Dematerialized account number is quoted for all transactions to enable electronic settlements of trades to take place. Every shareholder will have a Dematerialized account for the purpose of transacting shares.
HDFC Demat Account | |
Axis Bank Demat | |
SBI Demat Account | |
Canara Bank Trading | |
ICICI Bank Demat Account | |
IDBI Bank Account | |
TMB Demat Account | |
SBT Demat Account | |
Citi Bank Demat Accunt | |
SBHyderabad Demat | |
PNB Demat | |
Get Benefit out of Demat accounts:
You should be thourghly studied about trading and its better to do the Demo for the demat accounts from Banks. Always get help from experienced people in trading and Demat account customer care.
benefits of demat are the following:
benefits of demat are the following:
1.It is Easy and convenient way to hold securities.
2.Fas and Immediate transfer of securities
3. No stamp duty on transfer of securities.
4.Safer than paper-shares (earlier risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery, fake securities, delays, thefts etc. are mostly eliminated).
5.Reduced paperwork for transfer of securities.
6.Reduced transaction cost.
7. No "odd lot" problem: even one share can be sold.
8. Change in address recorded with a DP gets registered with all companies in which investor holds securities eliminating the need to correspond with each of them separately.
9.Transmission of securities is done by DP, eliminating the need for notifying companies.
10.Automatic credit into demat account for shares arising out of bonus/split, consolidation/merger, etc.
11.A single demat account can hold investments in both equity and debt instruments.
12. Traders can work from anywhere (e.g. even from home