Google Adsense Electronic Payment in India

Google Adsense introduced Electronic payment in India

Google Adsense moved EFT payment in India !!
You have to add New payment method and payment details like Bank Name,IFSC code,Account Holder Name,Swift-Bic code and account number to add the payment.

How to get the Google Adsense amount electronically EFT to your Bank

1. The Account payment might be in 'Self Hold' , if you haven't submitted the new form for payment.

2.Choose Payment settings from sider shown left in your Google Adsense account

3. Click to the available forms of payment and select add new form for payment

4. Enter your Bank account details following

Account Holder Name - As given in the bank account

Bank Name - give your Bank name .. ICICI, SBI,HDFC etc

IFSC code - Each branch of the bank will have the IFSC code ..  you can get your IFSC code from the following site ( verify the IFSC code with Bank before enter )

Swift-BIC - Check with your Bank get the Swift_BIC code for Bank in the state  or else you can check here ( verify with Bank before enter)

Account Number - Give the account number to which you need get the amount credited ( verify the account number before enter)

5. Click on SAVE once you have filled everything.

For More reference details :

New Google Adsense Payment Experience

EFT Adsense Payment Discussion in India

Google Adsense EFT Payment announcement